Permissive Commons Categories
The nature of permissive commons is that whilst assets are shared between more than a single entity the permissions may be different within the group of agents the assets are shared with. Note: WhatAreTheCommons
Private, Personal and Confidential Data
There's an array of use-cases where the information is Confidential, Private, Personal and privileged. These categories may relate to some information or in extrodinary circumstances (ie: death) all of the information available. Any event should be logged and cryptographically ensured that events are logged in a tamper-evident manner.
Personal Devices
Users will require their data on devices that they want to use it on. These devices may be owned by themselves or others, yet the intended purpose is for their personal use.
Professional Privilege
Examples may include; Furnishing information to,
- Government
- Court of Law
- Law Professional
- Medical
- Accountant
- Law Enforcement
In most of these cases there are semantics that relate both to the legal entity (ie: incorporated entity and/or department "legel personality") as well as the individuals specifically involved; which is in-turn contextualised in relation to the specified purpose.
Users will want to be able to backup their information and store it confidentially. Whilst the intended purpose is for their own sole and exclusive use; some circumstances may warrant the ability for access by someone else (ideally defined and nominated) as a consequence of a particular type of event (ie: emergency and/or death / incapacitation)
Social Constructs
Examples of social constructs are information or knowledge bases that relate to SocioSphereOntologies in particular. The general concept is that these categories will have a specified group that is responsible for defining whatever the related assets are.
- Legislation
Public Domain
Wikipedia like systems.
These include but are not limited to,
- Languages
- Laws
- Street Names (mapping information)
- Standards (including but not limited to Technology Standards)