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Webizen Docs Introduction

This is the Webizen Documentation site is being developed to provide an array of old work documents, a somewhat comprehensive outline of future work objectives and in-turn thereafter also; support for an outline of what is sought to be achieved via an initial implementation of a Webizen solution. The WebizenVision is about a new type of computing platform, which in-turn supports a form of connected interpersonal computing.

Note: the details outlined here, should not be considered specifications; rather illustrative pointers, that are intended to be useful should others seek to get involved in making it. if so, see GuideForDevelopers which in-turn makes reference to WebizenTerms that are defined by ValuesCredentials and should that all be ok; then you're welcome to get involved via WebizenDiscord.


The documentation library is under active development and will continue to be updated. I am going to make BestEfforts to update the WorkInProgress document, to reflect what i'm currently working on; and when these works become sufficently comprehensive and subsequently better edited, then this document will reflect those changes (ie: removal of this line).

If you are interested in being involved then send me a connection request on linkedin and send me a message to let me know. There is also Web Civics Discord and Webizen Discord Groups and various other bits and pieces lying about generally.

Webizen V3.0 Project Documentation


The Webizen3.0Apps DesignGoals documents alongside the Webizen3.0, provides information about the objectives, which seek to use available tools such as pre-existing GoLangLibraries as a means to quickly produce a solution that provides basic functionality as required to make progress ASAP. This is in-turn intended to result in the growth of Webizen3.5 which is in-turn considered the more significant go-to-market stage.

The SocialFactors document provides some general information about the background, whilst the documents under the CommercialModels folder provide more general information. Some information has also been provided about the broader goal of producing the information management infrastructure required to support the PeaceInfrastructureProject objectives, and in-turn also - some basic information about WebScience as a constituency to the broader WebCivics framework and concept alongside related considerations.

The Technical Goals


The Technical goal and purpose of this documentation site, is to support the means to provide information thought usefully made available for persons who may become involved in providing support and assistance to deliver the Webizen3.0 technology platform requirements, as to result in the ability for persons from different professional areas of society (ie: not simply software programming experts) to easily install and set-up systems that may be safely operated on their personal computers; which are in-turn connected to a domain name (ie: it can be their own domain name); and to in-turn, enable the ability to create and employ socially - decentralised applications. Whilst there are a number of relatively basic apps (although the designs features may be quite different to the way apps of a similar category have historically worked); the primary focus is the WorkProject, and whatever is required to ensure the environment is functionally employable for that purpose.

The belief (and former experience) is; that once the underlying 'operating system' environment is set-up, the applications can be written using HTML, Javascript and CSS; what this means, is that they're fairly simple and/or relatively easy to create or iterate, quickly.

At a high-level, the basic requirements to get to a point where this is achievable; requires the creation of two run-time environments. Both can be implemented technically now, but the installation and configuration experience, is far too difficult for any without alot of technical skills to achieve. As such, Webizen3.0 is about doing the necessary works to address that problem. In-turn the far broader-ranging volume of documentation provided herein; is intended to help any such person involved, get a general gist of the direction; and thereby be able to take that into account when they're thinking about how to support the growth of the solution requirements as will in-turn become released as Webizen 3.0; with a view to forming a compatability solution for future updates / upgrade paths (ie: software still stil work in future versions).

Technology Work Summary;

There are two packages required; a. An Implementation that can be installed and operated on a VPS: HostServiceRequirements.

Whilst there are alot of modern internet protocols that allow end-users to send content over the internet from personal computing devices; the ability to integrate what is effectively web-server functionality into a personal computer, has been made quite difficult due to various technical reasons. In-order to address these issues, there needs to be a way to connect to a 'internet host' that is then able to support private and/or permissive networking; as well as providing an ability to connect via the broader public internet.

NB: NetworkingConsiderations

b. An Implementation that can be easily installed and operated on Home Computers that acts to support an initial release of the WebizenAiOS-Platform that is in-turn able to support the development and use of WebizenApps that in-turn act to provide a user-interface to the underlying systems environment.

The current belief is that the project may well achieve this by working to update and improve upon the works already previously demonstrated as GOLD, however the exact methodology is not yet specifically defined.

The Webizen3.0 will be used to develop the WebizenAlliance socio-technical framework.

Therefore, the objectives of the Webizen 3.0 Software Development (Platform) Project; is specifically targeted at providing the underlying system functionality required to build these systems using Semantic(RDF)Web(HTML/JS/CSS) app development practices.

There are two additional future stages that this concept seeks to progress towards. Once the Webizen 3.0 solutions have been developed and deployed, Webizen3.5 will be seeking to create the first real commercial solution, that has a fairly comprehensive commercial model attached to it, that is in-turn very much focused on WebizenPro, advancing the WebizenAiOS-Platform and related AICapabilities which is in-turn designed to support the growth of the WebizenAlliance. As a consequence of these works, it is hoped that we'll be able to develop an inter-national network - platform infrastructure that is equipped to support Webizen4.0.

Webizen Project Documentation


The end-goal is to produce an ecosystem that supports the PeaceInfrastructureProject. Quicklinks to constituencies of the broad-ranging factors that are more about SocialFactors rather than software 'geek'; include,

  1. CommercialModels
  2. WebScience
  3. WebizenAlliance
  4. ESG
  5. EconomicSystems and Currencies
  6. HistoricalInformation
  7. SocialAttackVectors
  8. TheValuesProject
  9. SafetyProtocols
  10. UnderstandingOntologies

A list of ArtificialMinds is being developed to help people think about what sorts of robots they want to create - not all listed, are intended to illustrate any type of future that relates to Webizen - Yet Others illustrated - to provide some sense of inspiration to consider what might be possible....


  1. Webizen3.0
  2. CoreServices
  3. CoreTechnologies
  4. DatabaseRequirements
  5. HostServiceRequirements
  6. Non-HTTP(s)Protocols
  7. Webizen3.5
  8. Webizen4.0

Note Also: whilst there are some document resources herein about PermissiveCommons given the scope, importance and broader use-cases are so vast, i tried to set-up a seperate site and then ended-up folding it back into this devdocs site.

Permissive commons is essential for the Webizen Ecosystems, but it is also intended to be made useful for others who may want to use some of that work for whatever reason; as such, it is an illustration of what sorts of projects are broadly considered to be about WebCivics.

Historical Notes

The old-work-archives provides an array of of resources that relate to my historical works on this project, which was first started in 1999 leading to the iBank Concept in 2000; and an enormous volume of work that has been pursued since; in ways that have led to enormous struggles and some fairly remarkable experiences. Additionally, this google drive folder has some other additional works and related documents made available in it. There is an exhaustive amount of historical work; yet, as time goes on, it always needs to be remodelled.

Alot of the past works, are not simply technical in nature. A great deal of time and attention has been spent working through various SocialFactors - which in-turn also includes experience and insights about various 'issues' that have led to inform considerations relating to the SafetyProtocols in particular, without seeking to breach the human dignity of others (ie: privacy / confidentiality considerations, etc) & fundamentally, seek to support the growth of what i've somewhat recently defined as the PeaceInfrastructureProject.

With respect to broader historical considerations; there are many areas that i have spent sometime studying, and at some stage will seek to better document and/or make more easily discoverable. However, in the more immediate sense; I note in particalar, the History about the battle btw mainframes & personal computing. As that timeline helps to present via some historical content (although alot more is of course available); the presentation provides materials to review the particular roles of both Steve Jobs and Tim Berners-Lee, in works that have have had an instrumental effect towards the democratisation of computing.

IMO: its always good, to review history...

More will be produced in time (noting the desire to form KnowledgeDocuments and other 'core apps' that are very much intended to provide radically improved means to do so); yet, the primary purpose of this Documentation Library - is to act as a general Guide, about both the Objectives, Design Goals and in-turn - requirements for Webizen3.0 so that others sought or seeking to get involved - have some sense of what it is that i'm seeking to achieve.


Some content is produced through the use of information obtained from Wikipedia. The links are provided to the articles, where this is the case. Other articles have been quickly generated using The DocumentationMethod document also provides some information about how to create a site like this for yourself, and in-turn acts also to illustrate some points that are useful prior to doing more collaborative work on this documentation project with others. Each page has a link at the bottom to the relavent page that is stored in github. You're also able to Raise an Issue if you'd like. As noted, the documentation is presently under rapid development; and the structure of the documentation environment has not become stable, nor has many methods related processes (see issues); which fundamentally means, both the content and the structure of this site will change regularly (currently being updated at least daily). For more information, by all means - Reach Out via Linkedin

© All rights reserved 2000-2023 Timothy Holborn (Trading Names include but are not limited to: Web Civics, Trust Factory, Webizen ABN: 54 489 276 728)

Licensing Notes

The Copyright Clause (also known as the Intellectual Property ClauseCopyright and Patent Clause, or the Progress Clause1) describes an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 8).

The clause, which is the basis of intellectual property laws in the United States and specifically copyright and patent laws, states that:2

The United States Congress shall have power To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Source: WikiPedia

3rd party works are provided via whatever license applies to those works.

The works done by me are sought to be licensed via a methodology that's basically about supporting human rights. This in-turn requires a means to support LicensingFrameworks (supported by the TheValuesProject and related ValuesCredentials ); to both EndingDigitalSlavery whilst also (consequentially) empowering means to end-up providing licensing in a manner that has an array of express purposes, including but not limited to protecting FreedomOfThought without degrading the good purpose of any such forms of agreements.

Until this is better define / resolved My Work is not licensed for any commercial purposes; and, all rights are reserved. This is not intended to be contrary to the interests of HumanCentricDigitalIdentity or in-turn also HumanCentricAI rather; that i note, i've been subjected to alot of very hostile (bad) actors, often they've suggested they've been 'doing it all already' - yet here we are, some 22+ years down the track and nope, the means to support the human rights of ordinary persons to make use of their information to support their rights, to support peace; its not been delivered by any such persons anywhere on earth.

Hopefully, an option for those who seek something like this, may be brought about; but it won't be made able to work properly (ie: #RealityCheckTech ) unless its done in a manner that addresses the sorts of issues described by the SafetyProtocols notes, etc..

As noted; if you'd like any further clarification let me know.


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Last updated on 2/10/2023