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Economic Systems


A key part to how this ecosystem is defined, seeks to support the means for people to be able to both recieve payments as well as being able to make payments, the latter being something that is very well supported generally, in relation to online systems.

The ability for natural persons in particular - to recieve payments is not as easily achieved well, as the means provided that seeks natural persons (often defined as 'consumers') to make payments to incorporated entities online.

Where this gets somewhat more interesting, is that many of the systems seek to create mechanisms that have the effect of incorporating means to contribute towards the compensation related contracts associated to human beings for their work derivates as is in-turn linked with the beneficial use of those works, on an array of defined terms.

So, the issue that has some hazards associated with how that might be best handled relates in-turn to both ensuring appropriate support for anti-money-laundering (AML) and protection against financial crimes (noting - the ecosystem is being built to support very strong 'identity' capabilities, so Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements isn't thought to be so much of a problem); whilst also seeking to ensure the other broader value frameworks, that are directly impacted by whether or not EndingDigitalSlavery is able to be achieved via designed systems; and in-turn also, there are many areas relating to juristictional laws, that might also poorly impact users of these new systems.

Part of the solution must be that different classes of WebizenAlliance members are able to support different FinancialPaymentTypes depending on a framework of criteria.

These systems will in-turn require a means to support facilities to make payments to people in local currencies and in-turn also, take into account local taxation and related requirements.

Another part of the solution might be that accurals may occur in relation to non-financial currencies, which may in-turn be offset by making payments to nominated entities that are able to facilitate the transactions.

Other ways of addressing various sorts of related problems may also make use of Non-FinancialCurrencies in various ways to provide a mechanism to support BestEfforts to deliver upon the useful and well-intended purpose of achieving such things as EndingDigitalSlavery.

Another area of moral hazard; is the area that is commonly discussed as a 'social credit system', which personally - i lament, as the consequence of many of these people fears is that they're not actuallly considering the fact that we already have a social credit system and that it needs to be improved by people who seek to make systems that are far better than the existing ones. To Some Degree, the only thing our existing 'Social Credit System' cares about; is how much money a person has - without so much as ValuesCredentials support to consider how a persons credit rating is associated to what it is they do and the impact they have upon other people. Nonetheless, there are serious threats associated with any widespread and/or governmental and/or inter-governmental systems that are universally applied upon all people as a requirement - if those systems are poorly designed and/or fail to support the basic underlying requirements, as is broadly described as ValuesCredentials.

Biosphere Accounting Methods

Another constituency that is sought to be achieved, although perhaps not immediately; notwithstanding the desire to build-in the capability to deploy at a future time; is the ability to support Biosphere related Accounting Methods using BiosphereOntologies.

In-Effect, there are an array of different qualities associated with the use of online services; ranging from factors relating to the creation of the hardware and connectivity used to spend time doing anything online; through to the communications and computation related costs, that in-turn relate most broadly to the consumption of energy; but also, energy lifecycles.

So, the nature of these considerations brings about future possibilities to look at how activities can be performed in a manner where users are able to make decisions about how tasks are able to be performed based upon ValuesCredentials preferences.

These systems may in-turn act to assist them in modifying what is presented to them and how activities are provided AI Assistance, in determining what the best way to go about doing something in particular might become.

For Example; a person may seek to be provided the best options based upon some sort of criteria. It may be about Ethical Finance, or ESG or some other form of condition that is important to that person.

These systems end-up having an ability to provide the capacity for people to consider the implications of their lives in a variety of different terms and high-level ontologically supported frameworks, which in-turn results in a complex Currencies environment.

NB: Potential Roles of Web Civics & Similar Types of Entities

There are an array of Non-FinancialCurrencies that have some pre-existing context; meaning the ideas relating to them already exist to some extent, and whilst they may relate to 'doing good', they're not necessarily of a kind that easily supports exchangeability without some sort of assistance. In-turn, this may provide opportunities for people to engage in doing good; and in-turn, through organisations that have social purposes, like Web Civics, others may in-turn provide GiftsAndDonations that are able to be dispensed to persons whove been involved in doing works for the public good in exchange for one of the applicable non-financial currency tokens.

The effect of these sorts of solutions might in-turn act to improve the performance of donated funds (ie; the % of funds used for direct action rather than administration of charitable organisation established to distribute funds for whatever cause); and in-turn also, decentralise the relationship between philanthropy and recipients. This is in-turn a type of model that may provide alternatives for some who may otherwise be determined to be best served via UBI; However,

  1. The nature of these sorts of options shouldn't take away from the ability to support the means for people to be paid via some sort of FinancialPaymentTypes for work.
  2. There must be a good management plan that is supported by TheWebizenCharter for WebizenAlliance that acts to ensure these systems are defined in an appropriate manner and in accordance with TheValuesProject and related SafetyProtocols.

There are various economic concepts; one that comes to mind is circular economy, yet there are many different concepts that exist. It is unlikely that I will be the best expert to produce the best descriptions of the specificities of any one of these specific solutions; and broadly, the objective requirement from my point of view, is to describe the higher-level architectual considerations that relate both to the SocialFactors and in-turn the requirements for the WebizenTechStack.

As people in different fields are able to use apps made for Webizen3.0 or greater, UnderstandingOntologies to produce solutions designed to work in the ecosystems; then, it is believed that there will be an array of new opportunities in this area to help EndingDigitalSlavery and in-turn also, support FairWorkProtocols.

Fundamentally, there's two main 'modalities' related to the use of online systems; people are either consuming or contributing, and whilst the distinction between the two when able to be processed at an atomic level (meaning - high-grade granularity) in a way that can associate with economic systems - the nature of the broader environment changes alot.

I asked ChatGPT: What is the role of equitable distribution of currencies in supporting a healthy economic ecosystem?

A: The equitable distribution of currencies is important for supporting a healthy economic ecosystem because it helps to ensure that economic resources are distributed fairly among different groups within a society. When economic resources are distributed equitably, it can help to reduce income inequality and promote more widespread prosperity.

In addition, an equitable distribution of currencies can help to reduce social and economic tensions within a society, as it ensures that all members of the community have access to the resources they need to participate in the economy and lead fulfilling lives. An equitable distribution of currencies can also help to support economic growth and stability by promoting the efficient use of resources and encouraging investment in productive activities.

Overall, the equitable distribution of currencies is an important factor in supporting a healthy and sustainable economic ecosystem, as it helps to ensure that all members of a society are able to participate fully in the economy and share in its benefits.

Then importantly also, i then asked ChatGPT: How does the equitable distribution of financial currencies impact taxation revenue?

A: The equitable distribution of financial currencies can impact taxation revenue in several ways. First, if there is a more equitable distribution of financial resources within a society, it can lead to a larger overall tax base, as more people are able to participate in the economy and contribute to tax revenue. This is because an equitable distribution of financial resources can help to reduce income inequality and promote more widespread prosperity, which can in turn lead to increased economic activity and higher tax revenues.

Additionally, if the distribution of financial resources is more equitable, it can lead to a more progressive tax system, in which those with higher incomes pay a larger share of their income in taxes. This is because a more equitable distribution of financial resources can help to reduce the concentration of wealth and income at the top of the income distribution, which can in turn make it easier to implement progressive taxation policies.

Overall, the equitable distribution of financial currencies can impact taxation revenue in a number of ways, including by increasing the overall tax base, promoting more widespread prosperity, and enabling the implementation of more progressive taxation policies.

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Last updated on 1/24/2023