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Webizen 3.0

The Webizen 3.0 project will seek to support the WebizenAppSpec.

The project is versioned beyond 'version 1' as a consequence of there having historically been a webizen app (search app) for related work and i've skipped version 2.0 as this is not a centralised poral solution.


To produce a Decentralised platform that works behind firewalls, to build and run HTML5 based apps (simple HTML/JS/CSS) locally, that in-turn employ the complex systems architecture to provide a 'social web' capability / experience, that is unlike others (hopefully in a good way).

The project to advance this foundational objective, currently termed Webizen3.5 will in-turn seek to uplift that capability with advanced AI APIs (and underlying systems) as well as a range of hardware solutions. The objective with the v3.0 spec, is to be backwards compatible by the time 3.5 gets produced (perhaps in different implementation languages, etc.).

Webizen Local Install

The basic overview is provided in the ClientSoftwareRequirements document, and the user-experience sought to be achieved is described in the Webizen3.0SetupUserExperience document.

Basically; the Webizen Package installs a Webizen WebServer on any standard Personal Computer or Laptop and enables the use (and development) of WebizenApps that are designed to operate locally.

Server Objective

The server (VPS) side objective is to reduce the entry level cost for operating a private 'webizen network' as much as is reasonably possible. However, the better description is more complex.

If you're not the customer, you're the product...

So the HostServiceRequirements is seeking to be simplified as much as possible. The deployment models will provide both the open-source packages as well as a hosted service, and commercially via the developmentof the WebizenAlliance other hosted-services are encouraged to be developed internationally. The early versions of these works are expected to lack an array of functionality that is hoped to be achieved in-time. This will have impacts in many areas.

There is a cost associated with the use of resources, whether it be in relation to the availability, use and operation of technology (nb: BiosphereOntologies) or the fact that people doing work to help make good thigs happen, and part of what we're trying to achieve requires us to make BestEfforts to be good agents and work towards EndingDigitalSlavery, protecting FreedomOfThought and support various other values. As such, the means to provide a 'free VPS services' is impossible. It could be funded by other people, but somehow the costs will need to be covered, and the work on Currencies will be working towards better illustrating how these sorts of realities actually work.

If someone does years of unpaid work towards some sort of good objective, the implication is not that the useful derivatives of that persons work is free - there are costs, regardless of whether or not they're attributed in some way good, fair and reasonable. Whilst the history of these practices, and the probability that these practices will pragmatically be inexorable (unadvoidable) in the near-future, the objective is to address this and other problems well, in the soonest possible timeframe.

In consideration also; there are often 'two (or more) competing realities' that relate to complex choices. For example; some may consider that users don't need their own domains, which means i might simply use some of the domains i've established to support the project; but what if i can't afford to provide those services anymore? does that mean their systems will no-longer work?

So this concept of seeking to ensure NoLock-ins, is in-turn bonded to various other ValuesCredentials.

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Last updated on 1/24/2023