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Webizen 4.0

Webizen 4.0 advances beyond the growth of support for CommercialModels as is sought to be facilitated via Webizen3.5; and in-turn, get to the objective outcomes sought overall.

Webizen 4.0 is expected to diversify from an initial development of solutions that are sought to be geared towards the development of underlying tooling and related means to address what i've termed the SocialFactors; and thereby, seek to improve support for implementations that are designed to be usefully employed by the broader 'consumer market' or moreover, human beings in their private capacity; at relatively low-cost and at scale.

In-order to achieve the opportunity structure to enable this stage of development, a great deal of effort and infrastructure support will need to have already been done; in-order to support a mass-market deployment, that would theoritically deliver enormous scalability.

Webizen 4.0 Employs the Advanced AI capabilities produced via the Webizen3.5 stage of development, to enable a means to deliver private and personalised AI Services in a revolutionary way.

Webizen 4.0 is intended to provide an operating system for humanity into the future. It is a complex thing; or as others have suggested, an ecosystems framework, that would speculatively require at least a thousand people involved in the WebizenAlliance alongside an array of underlying software (and hardware) having previously been implemented; in-order to provide the feasibility of being able to deploy this version of Webizen, in the future.

Part of the Webizen 3.5 goals, will include the development of many of the underlying systems; however, the commercial price-point for these products is expected to be far greater than is objectively required to support the goals & ambitions of Webizen 4.0.

By the time this stage 'kicks in', the useful derivatives produced by WebizenAlliance should enable the commercialisation of large-scale advanced AI capabilities for home users, that can be delivered at an acceptable price-point; with well developed SafetyProtocols

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Last updated on 1/9/2023