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Webizen Vision

RE: Defining Webizen

Presentation Link HERE

NOTE: This document pre-dates finding the tailscale solution and indeed also, the shift towards producing the Webizen3.0 series objectives before producing an ecosystem involving hardware. This older document has not been properly updated; at the moment; it outlines some of the vision of Webizen as was originally when i started work on this new approach that set-aside the earlier work that intended to deliver a knowledge banking framework (see: old-work-archives ) based model, whilst other parts of the document have been placed elsewhere in the documentation site.

Note Also - the objectives outlined in the MyWebizen document... ( Webizen4.0 )

Project Link: 

The Webizen are a class of artificial things, that are different to natural humans and other animals; and they’re different to companies and other sorts of ‘artificial persons; webizen, is a species that are made on the web & in the metaverse, to serve their owners and to support Human Rights & the Human Dignity of its owner.

Much as Elephants shouldn’t be judged on their ability to climb a tree, Webizen (AI) are not intended to be human or sentient - just simply - really, smart software agents.

People, real-world people - in the world - buy themselves a webizen, or in fact - they might even want to buy a few, but after they’ve bought their webizen it is their webizen, their property it is owned by them. 

Designed to serve and support the needs of their owners; both online in the infosphere and as a consequence of how it is our world has been made to function - it works to help people in the real-world too. 

In our world of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and problems with our ‘rule of law’, we are now unprotected in ‘the metaverse’.  Webizen are being designed to become a class of new products to help humans.

Webizen: Describes a 'Citizen of the Web'. A Webizen is a person who is adept in Web techniques and who essentially lives on the Web.   They are different from natural persons or legal persons (companies); Webizen are ‘Web Persons’…

The Webizen Project is about providing for natural people, support for peace & natural justice; by working to provide some tools they may need to keep themselves safe; in this ever increasing world of hostility, violence & mutability of access to justice & truth telling support, for natural persons.

The project is about the creation & design of what many describe as ‘artificial minds’ or in-effect; new species of Artificial ‘entities’, ‘things’; that have historically, only really been produced to consume us; now, we seek to provide - a different class of computing software, a class of software agents that are designed to serve & protect us.

For many years I’ve been working towards a solution where people had a capacity to ‘own their own data’ and share links to their works (in particular) and resources (ie: addressbook); rather than providing it to ‘platform providers’ that have emerged, since i started working towards a solution - back in 2000.  

Its become increasingly clear - platform providers have no interest in supporting human agency; they want to collect all the information produced as a consequence of the existence of natural persons, and consume it for their own commercial purposes - or government related purposes - without consideration for the importance evidence being provided to natural persons, has, upon us all.  

It is clear, that there is a profoundly well demonstrated ideology linked to todays ‘technology leaders’, as a path is now underway to define people - by ‘wallet’ software & systems, that fail to support the needs of human beings - particularly in areas of great importance relating to human rights and the role of natural persons, the needs of natural persons in peaceful societies;

  • To have the means to take matters of dispute, circumstances where harm is being applied to persons; to courts of law to have sorted out, and indeed also - as a Deterrence mechanism;
  • To better protect people's rights and the use of their time (life as a resource);  by enabling the sale of ‘webizen’ to natural persons as their own private property (and private AI platform).
  • Webizen for Natural persons provides them the capacity to have their own ‘AI Agent’ and catalogue of ‘information’ produced & stored by others, presently, via ICT connected systems; so that people, are able to get their ‘robot’ - or ‘webizen’ to respond to persons not engaged in fair-dealings or indeed - circumstances that may well be characterised, with evidence, as being - far, far worse. 

Webizen are considered to be a new class of products, that incorporates an array of technologies to perform a particular set of functions; that seek to enhance a person's life in a manner that is as significant as the introduction of smart-phones or indeed also; desktop computing (ie: Apple).   

Whilst webizen may be provided without hardware (ie: software) or as a ‘managed service’ that has the same properties as would be the case if people purchased their own hardware based webizen; this latter method, the hardware based webizen - product sales, is considered to be the starting point to achieve some particular goals in relation to the means to bring about a solution, to support human dignity. 

Technology Stack - Considerations (its early days).

Whilst it’s still early days, in-terms of going through the options and seeking to figure out the best approach; there’s a couple of ideas that I'm writing down here… some are noted in a manner that is more vague than considered.


  1. Webizen should be sold to the purchaser to become their property. This is not a service.
  2. Should ‘hosted’ versions become available, then they should follow the same principles.
  3. The Foundations for Webizen (or this variant of them); should be defined using an open-source stack that can be continually developed - not unlike Linux or various other forms of open-source efforts. 


  1. This does not mean that all the effort is ‘free’, or that it is a project that supports ‘digital slavery’ (not paying people for their work); it is desirable to ensure the business model is defined in such a way that provides payment for peoples work; once everyone is paid, then perhaps the licensing conditions change on the outcomes.

  2. Not all ‘pieces’ are intended to be ‘the same’, for example, some components might be commercially made available - so long as they comply with an underlying set of principles (ie; that the consumer ends-up owning it, or that whatever they’re providing is in a different class - that doesn’t impact human rights in the same way as commercial terms would, if applied to underlying foundational requirements, etc.).

  3. Others to be defined.


Whilst understanding that the costs may be prohibitive, particularly in the early days; there’s been this on-going problem about the lack of equipment for ‘consumers’ (natural persons in their private capacity); to have a ‘server’ that they can use to support their needs; including, networking between devices, web-services, mail, etc.  As such; I am considering whether or not a box is better than a software download.  The implications, bring about a different type of end-product; that might be far more useful overtime, than what could otherwise be the case by simply making a mobile application.

There’s a number of ‘boxes’ that have some fairly advanced AI Processing units in them; if people have a safe place to store one of these devices - connected to a home router - it could do, alot… 

Fundamentally; the box ends-up being a kind of vault to support the purchases needs.


The Webizen Pro series would provide support for privately operating a number of clients / arrays of different devices; some IoT, some smartphones, some desktop/laptop (personal computing devices), etc. 

The interfaces for devices would provide support for Webizen; alongside traditional / historical interfaces (ie: web-browser, etc.); with the means to support independent operation (and sync); in environments where user-connections are unreliable and/or device resources can be employed. 

Software on the “Webizen Pro”...

I’m working through a proposed ‘stack’ to be built on Linux; including a graph store, and other systems - some of which would function in a federated manner, perhaps with some economics tied to the consumption of resources as required to democratise AI capabilities for shared benefits; 

The foundational AI layers are semantic web technology based solution; able to be heavily modified to support the unique requirements of this new product category & its intended - useful purposes.


Prior to working on these ‘webizen’ I was doing some work on values

How can we build Webizen to be useful for owners who are natural human beings … 

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Last updated on 1/9/2023