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Webizen AI OS Platform

The Webizen AI OS Platform is a new type of operating system environment.

The WebizenPro describes a Hardware device that is powered by the WebizenAiOS-Platform, and the apps that developers produce to work on it. However there are also an array of solutions that are sought to be achieved, which are intended to provide solutions that are cheaper to operate than a self-hosted wordpress site or similar.

Webizen AI OS - Functionality Targets

At this stage, most intended readers of this document will already be aware of various AI / Deep Learning / Machine Learning applications that are emerging into the market.  A fuller list of AI applications will be provided in this document at a later stage, whilst the specifications datasheets are being developed now.

For the most-part; the objective process for Webizen OS Software Development, is to make use of existing libraries and provide APIs that support the WebizenOS Services and Application Development Environment.

The effect of these works will provide ‘components’ and/or APIs that can be used by developers producing software;  whether it be for ‘in-house’ applications or for other broader purposes. 

  1. Semantics (inferencing, Logic & Rules Engines, Temporal / Version Control, etc.)

The semantic frameworks are essentially the foundations for AI services overall.  This part of the capability produces the foundational requirements needed to produce platform capabilities on-top of a new type of information management system; that’s designed to make use of specified tech.

Largely, this part of the project will seek to produce components / solutions that can be further developed by others in the event that the webizen project fails, for whatever reason. 

  1. Ethics (safety protocols)

The topic heading for this section might change; as it could also be defined as ‘success protocols’, depending on the point-of-view of the observer.    The primary purpose of these systems is to create semantic ‘occlusions’ that discourage misuse of webizen systems and/or easy & unfettered support for the development of applications that have a high-probability of causing unlawful harm to others.

These systems will in-turn be employable by other webizen software; that may in-turn prevent the use of ‘as-is’ software being deployed if particular safety protocols are not operating on the webizen system.  The creation and maintenance of these systems (inc. new versions) will be defined in some sort of way that is supportive of various competing demands; including, that of broad community consensus; as is intended to be made possible via the development of the social / work apps, etc.

  1. Machine / Deep Learning / neural-nets, etc..

This is the business end of the equation; where, a bunch of libraries built upon a particular hardware specification; will be exposed for use by webizen owners, to perform all sorts of ‘magical’ tasks in timeframes never before thought possible.**

The project to create a ‘webizen’ AiOS environment; will employ open-standards as much as is feasible; and in-turn also, seek to provide compensation for creators; via a model, that would in-turn seek to release the products, from any further costs once compensation of works has been achieved.

These principles are thought to also be useful; in seeking to improve the way open-standards support humanity, as a stakeholder, at large.  Presently, groups such as W3C are primarily driven by works paid by large institutions & corporations.  Whilst independent individuals do participate, its unpaid and often unrecognised work activities - that are vital to the future of our societies and worthy of better considering the merits of supporting people, whose works are vital for supporting human rights related activities.  

Historical, Existing & Emergent standards activities of interest include; but are not limited to,

CogAI:  Solid:  RWW:  WebID: Credentials:  Alongside various others: 

Open3D Engine:  AIML : 

Hardware being investigated: (still early days)

NVidia:  Intel:

Objectives: Describing the Experience & Benefits for Future Webizen Owners. 

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Last updated on 1/9/2023