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HumanCentric Digital Identity

This is intended to be a brief summary document providing some sense about the complexities involved in designing systems to support Human identity development and/or #HumanIdentity support systems, as is distinct to the use of the term #Identity or #DigitalIdentity in most (other) contexts.

This is not intended to be an exhaustive document on the topic.

The top Google definition of what 'identity', defines the concept as: the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. Yet this is not what most persons speaking about the concept from a perspective of their work or employer mean (note: SocialFactors). Most of the time what these people are talking about is some sort of identity related instrument or what Americans call 'Credentials'. In some circumstances, particularly within the field of #ICT #Cyber and #Internet what they're talking about is the way people 'log in', and in fields relating to finance they often mean the ability to verify their services are connected to a known entity for legal purposes such as anti-money laundering laws ( #KYCAML ) and similar; and whilst these constituencies relating to persons are very important, they're different to 'human identity' and have both different qualities and different sorts of needs.

The Webizen Approach to better rationalising the concept of 'human identity' is a critically important foundational requirement for the entire ecosystem. As such, it is an instrumental part of the SafetyProtocols framework. Essentially, what the webizen environment does is provides a capacity for software agents to semantically and temporally support agent centric communications and personal stewardship of a persons own life, and therefore / thereby - their #Identity.

These concepts are somewhat linked with the Centricity considerations that are part of the informatics design principals. Therein, whilst 3rd parties will provide VerifiableClaims&Credentials they do not in and of themselves define who a human being is; they only provide artifacts related to that instrument and whatever it is says, only reflects the statements made on that verifiable document; it does not in and of itself, define a human being; nor does any private key related to the storage of that #Thing. The greatest reason why others cannot properly define a person in a way that appropriately defines exactly who that person is; is that, they'd need to know everything about that person, which is not possible for various scientific reasons.

So, there's a concept of #Observers which is in-turn dynamic with TemporalSemantics and what is in-effect a subset of PermissiveCommons.

In-effect, the #Webizen environment is intended to provide support for #HumanIdentity in a particular way, that means the person is responsible for defining who it is they are, as a consequence of their actions - of what they do, what they don't do, etc.

This is then stored in a way that provides the owner of a #Webizen to manage their identity and in-turn also, their Relationships(Social). These considerations are being assembled into useful tools that seek to have the effect of protecting FreedomOfThought and in-turn also address issues of significance, such as EndingDigitalSlavery. To achieve this, foundational requirements such as TheValuesProject works to create an #AI environment that is able to support complex technology related requirements.

In-turn, these systems are intended to support a methodology where Webizen Owners, have the tools they need to be the primary steward of their own lives, and in-turn support also the means for those persons to both; protect themselves and their loved ones (including children & other dependants) from harms that the architecture of how information systems work today, enable and in-turn provide economic support for both enabling and processing Currencies gainfully by exploiters, at great cost.

Earlier documents about this include; but are not exclusive to,

The 2018 files;

(note there are more in that library)

(others to be added soon).

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Last updated on 1/12/2023