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Academic / Institutional Funnelling

These sorts of attack vectors are described in relation to CommercialExploitation mechanisms; where the objective of the attacker is to engender benefit indirectly.

This may include Manipulation, Dehumanisation, PublicSectorWrongDoings, works to Compromise and engender Impairment whilst delegating AuthorisedThinkers who may in-turn be young, yet enthusiastic yet overwelmingly otherwise - somewhat innocent (and often also - not treated well themselves!).

By funneling works via FalseAttribution related tactics into large institutions, the institutions provide a barrier and/or defence framework, that protects any underlying person who is wilfully engaged in StrategicHarms and perhaps also CriminalActivity.

The use of Academic or institutions to funnel activities that are built upon wrongs; through the use of students as a form of proxy that is intended to support an agenda for gainful purpose; whilst leading to the miseuse of students or other nieve persons as pawns; which, when related to CriminalActivity and an underlying intent to mitigate possibility of consequences and/or prosecution, etc. is a particularly complex problem.

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Last updated on 1/24/2023