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An Impairment attack vector is a form of organised behaviour where the objective is to engender circumstances where the target is no longer able to pursue works that others may not want to happen, may consider to give rise to jeopardy of being 'found out' (ie: CriminalActivity / FinancialCrimes) or may also relate to personal circumstances.

The objective process will seek to ensure that the target is made incapable.

Impairment attacks may include obstructive behaviour and/or strategic works that seek to instigate circumstances where the person becomes flooded with problems, Revoking their ability to earn income / obtaining / removing their customer base / income sources.

These sorts of methods are supported by various TemporalAttacks vector issues, whereby the ability to remedy the consequences of these attacks, is often not viable as a consequence of the amount of time it takes to address the repercussive implications of the attack; whilst those involved in prosecuting the attack, benefit and progress. Where this relates to CommercialExploitation the mechanisms often seek to engage many others as to engender a situation where the cost of addressing the problem becomes prohibitively high which thereby employs Manipulation tactics to support organised endorsement and support for the carriage and maintainence of the attack, which may have various implications upon the victim; including but not limited to, Dehumanisation and other various issues that fundamentally relate to CriminalActivity.

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Last updated on 1/24/2023