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The Concept of 'centricity' refers to structuring a way of thinking about the socially-interactive semantics layers. This conceptual framework seeks to provide support for the values frameworks the webizen environments are built to support. In-effect, providing some of the foundational considerations or 'tenants' to a form of moral framework, that helps to inform design requirements.

Human Centric

The development of any tools, whether it be companies or things; is intended to support the needs of humanity and/or members of our human family, and through us, our Social Spheres(SocioSphereOntologies) and the use of resources, our role in our Biosphere (BiosphereOntologies). No other form of agent can be sent to prison. The responsibility for what occurs in our world is fundamentally held by Human Beings.

Whilst there are always complexities involved in almost any circumstance and indeed also the evaluation of that circumstance by others; the fundamental role of technology is to provide useful tools for human beings, to improve and manage their relationships with other agents; both as an active natural agent, and as an observer.

Agent Centric

The term Agent refers to things that do stuff. A well known sub-class is Person, representing people. Other kinds of agents include Organizations, Groups, software and other 'things'.

It is noted that in some juristictions the term 'person' may refer to a natural person (human being) or a 'legal personality' (Incorporated Entity (such as a company) / legal person).

In legal terms, an agent is defined to mean; One who agrees and is authorized to act on behalf of another, a principal, to legally bind an individual in particular business transactions with third parties pursuant to an agency relationship.


As such, the term 'agent' is intended to provide a distinction between the entity, person or 'actor' (ie: software / "Ai Agent") that is performing some sort of task or activity; and the role in which that agent is undertaking that task.

Whilst there are many senarios where the concept of Agent Centric semantics apply, one example is;

a natural person in their own private capacity may hold some particular belief or moral position about something, circumstance, etc. If they are acting on behalf of an employer or other entity; they may be required to carry out tasks in a particular way that may not be of their own choosing.

Entity Centric

Entity Centric refers to legal entities, whether they be individual natural persons or legal persons (incorporated entities, government entities, etc.).

This is interactive with both agent and human centric semantics; whilst seeking to support a structural framework around defining how systems are developed to support a means to associate the activities, rights and responsibilities of an entity as does exist in our offline socio-economic world, to be supported in being able to maintain the same principles based structure online, in webizen environments.


The concept of a ‘webizen’ is intended to be about ‘helper’ robots, sometimes described as ‘side-kicks’, ‘assistants’ or similar.  Part of the objective is to support the preservation of freedom of thought for natural persons, as is an instrumental foundation required for any form of #HumanRights

In recent works, Dave Raggett speaks about Artificial Minds which is where the term is drawn from; in-turn linked to work on Cognitive AI

At the moment, i’m creating an index of many different known types of ‘artificial minds’ some of which are evil, others aren’t necessarily evil - perhaps good - but still not considered to be a form of ‘webizen’ in a manner consistent with the intended meaning of the concept. 

A ‘Webizen’ is intended to be software, that may be packaged with hardware - that is sold to a person, as a product, that they own.  The ambition is to define an open-standards based software ‘stack’, that may involve creating new technologies that will sought to be supported as open-standards; as a safety / security measure; whilst providing a proprietary & Branded Version of the concept, as ‘webizen’.  A Webizen is designed to be - Your AI ‘thing’, it is designed to be your advocate, your assistant, your AI ‘thing’ in the world; that can help you with various stuff online.

Webizen for Groups and incorporated entities (ie: businesses) & “Personas”

Webizen for groups / ‘persona’ considers the idea, that people be furnished a capacity to separate their ‘work life’ from their ‘personal life’; and that in-turn also, businesses / brands, have their own agents that rely upon the human beings directing them often involving more than one ‘vote’ / person; which is in-turn, a concept premised upon the ability for natural persons to have ‘agency’ and that they extend that ‘agency’ through the roles they play, with ‘group works’ of various kinds.

“Group Webizen” will require different rules; that relate the functionality of what they do, to support various forms of ‘ethics’ charters - that in-turn, both assist the human beings involved in the group; but also, act to ensure that human beings are responsible for the impacts group work has upon human beings.

  • Improve productivity: curating & share resources and to help curate tasks that are happening
  • Helping with research and other capacities that groups of people do together.
  • Protect & support the relationship between ‘natural persons’ and ‘group activity’ related ‘assets’ or ‘things’ / outcomes.  
  • Support the ability for ‘group instruments’ to be managed via ‘group policies’, etc. 
  • Improve the ability for ‘Group Entities’ to maintain control over their IP / Security / Assets.
  • Be made able to operate in a federated manner with webizen infrastructure owned by individuals; including but not limited to, creating secure networking & local work platforms.
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Last updated on 1/9/2023