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Nomenclature (UK/nəˈmɛŋklətʃɜːr/US/ˈnoʊmənkleɪtʃər/)12 is a system of names or terms, or the rules for forming these terms in a particular field of arts or sciences.3 The principles of naming vary from the relatively informal conventions of everyday speech to the internationally agreed principles, rules and recommendations that govern the formation and use of the specialist terms used in scientific and any other disciplines.4 Source: WikiPedia


The Webizen project will both build upon existing nomenclature and develop and employ new nomenclature.

This note will define the experimental use of terms and the intended meaning of those terms. The format should also define where the term came from (provonance), etc.

QUADS: seeAlso: datavsquads

Variants: KiloQuads, MegaQuads, GigaQuads, TeraQuads Sources: there's two,

  1. Star-Trek: In star-trek Voyager, information is stored in Quads.
  2. SemanticWebTech: Graphs are Triple or Quad-stores

Consideration: There is a difference between the term 'data' and the term 'information', the use of the term 'quads' denotes the storage and transmission of information rather than data.

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Last updated on 2/6/2023