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Knowledge Economics – Services

Part of the problem that has been ‘blamed’ for why the development of internet has been done in such a way, that online data storage as developed from the turn of the millennium failed to provide users a place to beneficially own their data; was that the world wide web was moreover built upon two primary forms of revenue models, for consumer services. These models are defined as;

  • Advertising revenue
  • Surveillance capitalism (“Big Data”)

Advertising revenue based economic modelling brought about the effect of seeking to engender benefit from an attention economy, through which display and link based advertisers became the customers of a website, whilst the website users were consumed as the product offered to advertisers.

Surveillance capitalism somewhat increased the efficacy of these systems as to define new knowledge based capital metrics relating to the amount of information the website was able to obtain about the people engaging their online products (apps) and services (website / data-services); and how instrumental, or ‘sticky’ those people were, as a means to inflate valuations.

One of the emerging economic models relates in-turn to the development of artificial intelligence and the vast amounts of ‘training data’ required to bring about high-quality software agents. These models are in-turn making use of humans to assist them in developing their economic value, in new ways. One example is communicated in relation to the Captcha, by techradar and this note on medium, whilst there are otherwise lots of examples…

Simultaneously, what is occurring is a vast change in the means through which payment systems work, which is demonstrated well by the economic barriers blockchain technology has managed to overcome; in addition to the relatively well-known emergent narrative that surrounds the ‘sharing economy’ and the various forms of internet enabled ‘gig work’ (see: World Economic Forum). as noted elsewhere, the problems that are now emergent is impacting our entire economy. As Superannuation contributions (private pensions) are disaffected as is noted by CBUS Super and a ‘Creative Economy Deficit‘ is brought about as a consequence, which in-turn impacts the means for persons to get home-loans, alongside many other things; the problem overall becomes, that we have not engineered a modern form of economic framework for the ‘world-wide-web’ (whilst not exclusively bound to it at a protocol level); and we need new economic apparatus, that can offer an array of new financial service industry products and services; that may in-turn, allow people to store their information by paying about as much as they otherwise do, to open a bank-account and have a banking instrument (bank card) sent to them.

The opportunity for knowledge banking providers is in being able to provide valued services for a negligible percentage of economic benefit obtained by their customers, the humans opening and managing their ‘knowledge banking accounts’. Thereafter, I feel its important to provide a few examples,

1. Translating micro-payments, to usable currency.

There are an array of new abilities brought about through the development of the web-payments standards and related works.

In a world where the ‘information management systems’ are not tied to a specified app (such as uber, airbnb, etc.) the means for someone to make a small contribution to something, some project, that might be run off the back of a ledger built for the project that enhances the works of ‘dynamic equity‘ to form a means through which, a ‘software as a utility’ market may emerge, alongside many other opportunities; the problem becomes,

how does the person doing the work collect all these ‘micro-payments’ and put them all through the proper ‘clearing house’ related processes as to convert the ‘tokenisation’ of economic instruments, into usable currency.

How and what is needed for a person doing a bunch of different jobs, from spending an hour on something that’s worth alot of money; to spending hours (or years) on something that’s in its early stages and is currently worth nothing (or moreover, less than nothing, as there is a cost to do something that is obtained by others, freely).

So, this means one of the ‘knowledge banking providers’ revenue models can be all about collecting all these different economic instruments that are mapped across the web; and converting them all into usable money.

In-turn, this is also another example of how the KYC/AML related issues are dealt with by way of a knowledge banking industry.

2. New Economic Products & services.

As canvassed briefly in the page that noted some historical considerations, sadly, the new-age ‘union movement’ for knowledge workers has just not happened (yet). ideally, its a peaceful one and the least we can hope for, is that the issue of fake-news is addressed as to not otherwise continue to transgress. Way back when ‘workers rights’ were all the rage, in the years before those elderly people with their self-managed superannuation funds, built with many houses all funded with the support of housing mortgages; back when they were earning the money to enable them to do that now,

they were working in traditional trades. The ability for those involved in building and many other traditional trades to show what it is they’ve been doing overtime as to be paid; was a whole-lot easier than the problems ‘knowledge workers’ suffer from today. Builders and such could point to ‘property law’ and make a express point; but people who build ‘business systems’ and all sorts of things that end-up online, can’t really do that.

Knowledge workers need different sorts of legal services to be provided to them to protect them from exploitation; sorts of legal services not available today. Insurance products need to be able to assess what it is a person is actually doing, which is really quite difficult when the recipient of the services is claiming they never benefited at all or never received anything. Health insurance is made difficult, when the statements made often contain factual errors that are both potentially damaging to the patients health, and kept secret from them. The more data a person has; in a ‘socially aware’ environment that interlinks with others, as to form a fabric of ‘social encryption‘ the more difficult it is to lie and whilst this is mearly an alternative, based on an assessment that assisting any party to break the law, breaches the principles of ‘rule of law’ for which our societies have built upon,

now therefore the means to employ these systems, change the ‘risk modelling’ and provide nuanced services for information workers becomes instrumentally valuable to all concerned; and the means to engage those to whom the services, as it is otherwise stated, are designed to serve, can be improved dramatically, improving the economic performance of any such products.Yet another example; is built into the consideration of how it is our superannuation system currently works; where the people have made significant investments but their investments does not translate to a vote.In the above video, the view put forward by [Andrew McLeod]( was that if the people of society want to change the way the world is now operated, one of the best ways to do that is to unite the directions provided to the board members of the worlds largest companies, to the will of the people; and to forget about trying to change the way government works, change the way the organisations providing government revenue, work. change the way the internet relates to any and all forms of work, through making use of personal data, as property.Overtime, problems have always emerged between parties, but increasingly today these ‘agreements’ are online and stored solely by the provider of the agreement, via their website. Changing the way all of these systems work, changes the way our society is made able to work; and whilst not all may want to make use of a ‘knowledge banking industry’, without one, there is no option.

Artificial intelligence is able to automate the discovery and procedural requirements of translating data and information; to knowledge that has been customised for use in some specified way. The hope is, on just terms.

An array of other examples are provided in other areas of this site (link to be provided); as is the case otherwise, the means to employ data-systems to support new economic revenues through commercial products and services (ie; digital receipts) is a big part of what can happen, through a knowledge banking industry. Most people don’t mind sharing their data for specified purposes, its just that the person people want to specify terms for the use of their ‘things’, their ‘data’, is them. If someone demands to use or take another persons physical property, there’s a law protecting them from that.

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Last updated on 12/30/2022