Permissive Commons Technology Docs
This documentation is in its very early stages and there will be significant changes and updates that will occur. The URLs are likely to change as much as the content itself.
This work is being done in the open - on a BestEfforts basis, as an individual. I may express personal opinions that might be correct or contain errors; or be subject to underlying considerations that i am not otherwise aware of, whilst doing my best - to do good, well.
The intended purpose of this documentation is to provide an ecosystems related series of notes that are in-turn supportive for the production of the first Webizen software platform, which is thought to ne required to address SafetyConsiderations related to further works.
NowTherefore; the functional purpose of this documentation environment is to support the production of the first version of webizen (webizen 3.0); as required, to support further development. In-order to achieve that, the foundational requirements need to be illustrated; and people, when making enquiries are often interested to find out more about the broader ecosystem ideas, concepts, plans, ideologies, etc. as is thought to be important, when seeking to progress particular elements / components; and in-turn form the foundational methodologies / architecture; required to ensure a means to progress the ecosystem, rather than having to start again due to an issue that wasn't considered / documented, earlier.
For Example:
- GuardianshipRelations invokes a requirement to address cryptographic and legal requirements in a particular way as to support the future use of technology by persons affected by those sorts of considerations.
- PCTOntologyModelling discusses an approach that is different to the existing processes related to the production and use of ontologies.
Permissive Commons Technology changes the way commons knowledge is managed on the internnet. The intended purpose of it is act to decentralise commons resources and extends existing works on 'open-data' alongside other decentralised software projects whilst adding more functionality as a consequence of the abillity to use permission structures in relation to assets. The definition of commons for the purpose of these works is;
The Legal intepretation of the term 'commons' is defined as Something that is common is owned equally by two or more people, such as a piece of land. A Tenancy in Common is an interest in land wherein at least two people share ownership.
Source: legal dictionary
but as is otherwise described by the document: WhatAreTheCommons
The objective of Permissive Commons Technology is to create a systematic method for the management of shared artifacts; in a way that supports,
- AI Processing ('confidential computing')
- Privacy & Human Dignity (and confidentiality where required)
- Projects: group-works of any kind
- Moral, Legal and related technical requirements
The primary focus is on defining the requirements and developing the tooling for the Webizen project; however the methodology seeks to do so in a manner that is supportive of others making use of the tooling, as to moreover support the objectives of the PeaceInfrastructureProject.
In the case of how this ecosystem is intended to be employed for use with the Webizen Ecosystem and other similar solutions; when information assets, that will likely become part of HyperMediaContainers based solution, are sought to be shared with others - whether confidentially between two or more entities; or as a global, publically consumable resource, the distribution method seeks to make use of this permissive commons technology method.
The methodology seeks to make use of SemanticWeb technologies whilst appending these existing specifications to support Non-HTTP(s)Protocols. The effect of these changes is intended to result in providing an ability; for users to,
- Download and employ the (AI related) assets locally (privacy)
- Share the burden of maintaining accessibility of records (preservation / availability)
- Assert Permissions and rules in relation to the use of shared artifacts.
- Support Temporal Semantics in relation to other (AI related) Documents.
Initial Usecases
The initial use-cases that are sought to be rendered at least some basic level of support; includes the ability to,
- Define and Make Available DecentralisedOntologies.
- Support Agreements (contract law) to be employed socially
- Support the development of Projects and related requirements.
- Provide a method to store and make use of 'commons' artifacts using PCT.
This documentation site is being actively developed and is presently an incomplete initial series of draft documents; the purpose of producing these works is to support the development of the PCT requirements needed to build an initial Webizen ecosystem and in-turn make use of that ecosystem to produce the TheValuesProject (values related credentials / verifiable credentials / electronic agreements) and in-turn the WorkProject which is considered to be the major milestone sought to be achieved; as to thereby provide a means for cooperative works to be undertaken whilst supporting FairWorkProtocols.
The ability to successfully accumplish usefully positive progress that is directed towards addressing various SocialAttackVectors has not been able to be achieved, and it is believed that the consequence of a well defined foundational solution that does in-turn support SafetyProtocols and related considerations, will act as a means to support further growth.
In the meantime;
If you'd like to get involved the main community channel is presently via the Web Civics Discord Group
There is also a Peace Infrastructure Project Group on LinkedIn and a Human Centric AI Interest Group on Facebook, alongside various other channels (info to be provided later)
Indeed to some-extent, its hoped that the Webizen Systems will be up and running soon, which will have the effect of streamlining how to engage with topics - yet - to achieve this objective, the permissive commons technology work needs to be done to support it.
This project, is basically a type of work that is a form of WebScience related fields of expertise, as it requires a multidisciplinary approach to incorporate considerations and expertise from various minds / souls...
Background Notes
Permissive Commons related documents;
There are many different 'usecases' relating to the use of 'permissive commons'. Permissive Commons, and in-turn Permissive Commons Technology (PCT) Ontologies (PCT-ONT) is required for the Webizen Project which is the priority for this body of works.
- PermissiveCommons: provides an overview of the broader goals of the project.
- About: Is intended to provide historical information that is generally intended for non-technical people.
- UseCases: haven't been regenerated yet, but will intended to provide the business systems related descriptions of various applications, related requirements, considerations and related works.
- POCAppRequirements: is intended to be developed as a Requirements Specification, in-effect.
- A section on existing ecosystems will be developed to provides information about existing solutions and will in-turn support the ability to provide considerations about interopability and pre-existing functionality / methods.
- WorkInProgress: provides information about whatever is currently 'work in progress' and/or any information about progress that has already been made.
Ontology Modelling
The ontology modelling process is trying to address various requirements for DecentralisedOntologies, PCTTemporalSemantics and PermissiveCommons which will in-turn support both the SafetyProtocols as well as the ValuesCredentials.
Much of the ontology work is in the Web Civics - Ontologies 2023 github folder / project. Some use of Chat AI has been employed, that has helped a great deal in some ways; whilst also problematic.
This REPO is brand new and will be updated continually until it is RADICALLY improved.
This documentation project / site is located on GitHub. It is intended to support the ontology works located in the webcivics/ontologies folder progressing the 2023 branch, whilst also - planned to lead to a seperate permissive commons code library, in future.
- DocumentationMethod: Provides general information about how this work is being produced an published online.
- WorkInProgress: provides some information about what is currently sought to be done.
Licensing Notes
The Copyright Clause (also known as the Intellectual Property Clause, Copyright and Patent Clause, or the Progress Clause1) describes an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 8).
The clause, which is the basis of intellectual property laws in the United States and specifically copyright and patent laws, states that:2
The United States Congress shall have power To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.
Source: WikiPedia
3rd party works are provided via whatever license applies to those works.
The works done by me are sought to be licensed via a methodology that's basically about supporting human rights. This in-turn requires a means to support LicensingFrameworks (supported by the TheValuesProject and related ValuesCredentials ); to both EndingDigitalSlavery whilst also (consequentially) empowering means to end-up providing licensing in a manner that has an array of express purposes, including but not limited to protecting FreedomofThought without degrading the good purpose of any such forms of agreements.
Until this is better define / resolved My Work is not licensed for any commercial purposes; and, all rights are reserved. This is not intended to be contrary to the interests of HumanCentricDigitalIdentity or in-turn also HumanCentricAI rather; that i note, i've been subjected to alot of very hostile (bad) actors, often they've suggested they've been 'doing it all already' - yet here we are, some 22+ years down the track and nope, the means to support the human rights of ordinary persons to make use of their information to support their rights, to support peace; its not been delivered by any such persons anywhere on earth.
Hopefully, an option for those who seek something like this, may be brought about; but it won't be made able to work properly (ie: #RealityCheckTech ) unless its done in a manner that addresses the sorts of issues described by the SafetyProtocols notes, etc..
For more information on the work being done to achieve this, please note the Webizen Dev Docs and related project.
As noted; if you'd like any further clarification let me know.