I own a few domains that in-turn relate both to the history of works, and in-turn also the future of the Webizen Project. Information per below; - The domain is intended to be used in connection to the values project and related sociosphere/biosphere related future projects. Such as social media related projects that encourage improved social relations, etc. Historically i also had but let that go after progress was unable to be made (ie: what is called the values project / values credentials, etc.)
The linked-data domains refer to semantic web related ontologies. These domains were intended to be used in connection with the development of permissive commons related infrastructure, such as ontologies, etc. Part of the concept here; is that there's an ability to do mapping between different juristictions (states) to form an international fabric, and i'm Australian!
The Webizen domains relate to the webizen project and the site was used for publishing some of the earlier works, relating to the RWW era of Webizen...
WebCivics is about doing web-related works, for civics purposes - for the betterment of human kind, etc... Civics, being things that citizens do, not for the purpose of generating great wealth; but rather, for purposes that are focused on good / positive humanitarian / community outcomes.
The Internet Governance Frameworks appeared to have alot for the production of standards and the management of names, addresses, policy, etc. but not much in-terms of building software and things like ontologies, for the public good. So, that's why i started Web Civics in 2014.
Trust Factory
The Concept of Trust Factory, was about forming a group of people to provide support for difficult and complex use-cases relating to the development & deployment of credentials and originally also - 'knowledge banking' infrastructure. The term was intended to moreover denote a group of people (ie: like industrial manufacturing workers) doing works to support trustworthiness of systems, that it was intended the group end-up being involved in commercialising (although not exclusively). Whilst Web Civics was very much about public domain civics engagement; there still needed to be a way to handle the tricky problems that shouldn't be laundered entirely in the public domain - due to human rights implications of doing works to support human rights and similar sorts of principles, etc.
Media prophet is my general 'innovation labs' stuff, that's more about developing web stuff / projects generally; media (meaning plural of medium) and prophet, employed due to having been disheartened that earlier people had seemingly taken the commercial opportunities from works i'd been working on, and then they'd deployed it - but they didn't really know how, so i'd then be asked to help them fix something, that they kinda took from me to make money for themselves; so, the concept of media-prophet, was like saying that its easier than having to have one of those 'i told you so' conversations after they'd made a mess of whatever it was i was working on, that they then went to commercialise themselves somehow.
One of the projects i hope to make in future is; but there are others...