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Relationships (Social)

The 'relationship management' safety protocol system is designed in consideration of human rights related principals, in addition to various social / temporal factors.

Often, the way 'connections' work online is that the way current relationships are categorised or classified is rudimentry and overy simplified. Then the way information is able to be managed if there is a change in that relationship status, is also over simplified - often, its friend, not-friend and/or block; and if someone is blocked, then anything that happened in past, is all gone too!

So these over-simplified systems are susceptable to abuse; in all sorts of different ways, that are consequentially very difficult to manage.

The principal concept relating to the management of social relationships, is built upon the use of the ValuesCredentials and the rules defined are generally (although there are some exceptions that are intended to be supported via other safety protocols) temporally applied; and if / when the rules change; and in-turn also, the circumstances change, then the patterns relating to the discovery, interaction and use of materials associated with the relationship also changes.

#socialfabric #ValuesFrameworks #SafetyProtocols

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Last updated on 1/24/2023