Dev Practices Guide
I again note; that this is at the early stage of implementation development; and, once the implementation becomes successfully produced, the platform used to continue works will be the initial webizen platform, thereafter using other tools to suppliment those works rather than seeking to rely upon systems that don't work in a way that is similar to the Webizen environment.
Therein; there was a moral choice about whether to minimally produce documentation that would have sought to specifically state exactly what the specified component that help was sought to produce; and not provide any further information. However, the alternative that has been electively taken-up, was to make a far better effort towards providing - whilst draft - the broader ecosystem of considerations; so that people, whom i hope to find have brilliant and thoughtful minds and characters, can be empowered to be better equipped to make thoughtful contributions in ways that wouldn't otherwise be supported if i'd only done the bare minimum, directively.
I thought this approach; was a better employment of BestEfforts to support the fundamental nature of the ValuesCredentials statements; as to act honourably towards those whom i seek to be engaged in a dignified manner, as to produce the work derivatives required to expand the impact of improving the dignity of others, etc...
The development focus, should be on producing the tools that are required to produce the webizen environment and in-turn the production of the webizen environment components that are required to make the tools work, etc. Whilst hte objective is to get the TheWorkPlatform done; the requirement that must be considered and addressed first is the means to address the HumanCentricDigitalIdentity and HumanCentricAI requirements that are foundationally required in-order to build anything on top of it for applications that relate to SocialWeb considerations in any and all other ways. Therein, the preference is to focus on building the Tools required to support the HumanCentricOntology requirements first; and once that's somewhat settled, then get onto the TheWorkPlatform components that weren't defined better earlier.
I think the general approach that makes the most sense; particularly if there's more than simply a few involved, is that people elect which parts they may be working on, and we curate works in a way that seeks to ensure that there are not multiple people trying to do the same project / thing.
Definition of a 'Webizen Developer'
This project requires inter-disciplinary skills, expertise, experience, etc. It is not simply defined as people who do documentation (of code) and people who code. These sorts of considerations are not considered to be consistant with the ValuesCredentials. It is entirely true that the useful emboidment of these works is implemented via software.
Yet, the thoughtware that is required to go into defining designs, is not entirely bestowed upon software programmers specifically and exclusively. It is my view that many of the more significant societal issues that exist via technology today, is a consequence of these sorts of distorted beliefs; and in-turn also, the ramification that it is also commonly thereafter the case that aggressive shadow directors
behind the scenes then control those software developers and what it is they're allowed to do.
in-effect, the implication becomes fodder for abuse and other SocialAttackVectors.
People who are considered to be part of the development process and/or community are persons who are able to usefully contribute in some meaningful way via some definable means. There are many sorts of tasks that people can do to contribute, and we are obligated to comply with the ValuesCredentials statements and forge a path where we can build the sorts of SocioSphereOntologies related methods; to be able to work with one another in-order to produce solutions that are FitForPurpose, However,this does not seek to infer that the consequences of others lack of understanding is in any way furnished a right to impinge upon the capacity of others to do works that support FitForPurpose outcomes; if it is the case that said others do not understand. These sorts of activities are considered as SocialAttackVectors, etc.
Nonetheless; the major focus at the moment, is no-longer so much about architectual designs or related SocialFactors or WebScience related considerations; rather, the objective focus is about integration and implementation of components to produce a working system that will functionally deliver the sorts of capabilities that we require.
Use of AI tools
The use of AI tools is encouraged; but it is also subject to a range of desirable expectations. The first and most significant is that work produced by an AI agent should clearly be labelled as having been generated by whatever AI Agent(s) were involved. This can be done by way of inserting a comment; or seperating the text produced by a person vs. the text or code or whatever that was produced by the Agent.
I have started to describe something about it in the AgentLabelling note; but i haven't spent much time on it, as there's other priorities at this stage.
It is important that the output is FitForPurpose but that also, in so doing, the ability to optimise the EnergyCalcs by making use of software (ai) agents is, imo, an entirely sensible approach; particularly in areas where it is known that something needs to be said / done / produced in an area that doesn't otherwise have any information about it; and that, something can be generated fairly quickly via an AI agent - clearly labelled as such, and then added to whatever the document / file is.
When adding AI generated Content; it is also desirable that the prompt used to generate whatever it was that was created is also provided.
Collaborative Documentation Support.
The DevDocs environment is built using Obsidian which is then exported to github and generated into the
site using gatsby. I know and understand that there is alot that could be done to improve these devdocs; however, the express intent and purpose for creating it, was simply to produce documentation that may be considered excessively produced for the purpose of assisting newcomers with the work involved in producing the first webizen implementation Webizen2.5 and consequently thereafter Webizen3.0, alongside the Webizen3.0Apps (for both versions).
The Webizen3.5 works are intended to be done on the previous implementation; and is expected to lead to fairly significant changes being made to the underlying earlier version that is to be produced primarily for the purpose of providing a development enviornment. If you're planning to get highly involved, then the suggestion is that you review the DocumentationMethod note; and set-up your own Webizen DevDocs repo; and then let me know about any particular updates, new pages, etc. that should then be added to this main repo. I note again; once the platform is operating, the expectation is that this will effectively be decommissioned (archived) and further works will be done within the webizen environment.
As is otherwise noted; the WebizenDiscord is the primary communications channel at this stage. I have set-up a keybase system also, however its not been used; so, i think its probably considered to be too hard for many to use, and therefore not as useful as i'd otherwise hoped. Nonetheless, the link is provided above ( keybase ).
If there's anything you'd like me to address, let me know...