Early Stage Income Strategies
When i initially wrote this document, the works were at a much earlier stage. It is developing well and quickly; nonetheless,
Whilst the nature of the documentation status is developing rapidly, at the moment; the commercial structures are not well established for managing the provision of products and services to customers. It is hoped that this may be better addressed soon, however the underlying reality is that without producing and then maturing the Webizen3.0 technology solution; there isn't really a platform available to improve the way incomes can be generated by contributors, other than by way of ProjectFinancing related mechanisms (working on it).
Commercial opportunities relating to historical works have been undertaken either via referral to related parties; whilst some smaller jobs have been undertaken directly; whilst noting, the objectives have often been focused on advancing the Research, development, proof of concept (technical, commercial, social) assessments in various ways, for various 'modules' or components relating to this broader ecosystem of works.
At some stage, the CommunityOfPractice HistoricalInformation will be able to be developed in a way that is 'fit for purpose' and supportive of the scalability requirements for Web Civics and the WebizenAlliance frameworks / concepts; However, in the short-term, there's a variety of people / opportunities to help people who have difficulties achiving particular tasks without help.
Therefore; it may be achievable in a shorter-period of time, to figure out how to support the growth of the Webizen related CommunityOfPractice by supporting the means for participants to find consulting opportunities that have some sort of complimentary future associative opportunity structure, linked with the underlying body of works.
In effect; opportunities to provide assistance to organisations that at some level helps to advance the cause.
Yet frankly, i'm not at all sure how to do much in this area until after the WorkProject has been operating to support the project for the period of time required to have confidence that it is ready for use by others more broadly outside of the WebizenAlliance network.