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Social Web Apps

Generally speaking, anything that gets shared becomes part of the social web app requirements. Webizen systems are designed for HumanCentricAI frameworks, therefore whether interactions are with things, entities or otherwise; there's always humans involved and/or implicated. The semantics that define how these ecosystems are defined are radically different to the way many / most online systems are defined today.

The foundational ontology starts with the HumanCentricOntology but is then extended to support SocioSphereOntologies which is in-turn applied to the development of these sorts of requirements; in addition various other considerations, tools, etc.


The Concept of the 'social web' was historically an instrumental part of the definition provided to describe what Web 3.0 was about. Since these earlier times, the use of the term 'web 3.0' has strategically been attacked and associated with the advancement of blockchain technologies, and is now often regarded interchangably used with web3.

Webizen seeks to address that problem by not being called 'web 3', 'web 3.0', 'web 4', web 5', etc. Rather - its called webizen.

One of the very best online resources about Web 3.0 was produced by Jeff Sayre in September 2010. Jeff produced a series of posts that are linked below; although, they're also linked via the posts themselves, nonetheless;

There's a Wikipedia Entry on Social Web alongside a former w3c Social Web WG and consequential W3C Social Web Protocols. Perhaps importantly also, the book on Social Machines: The Coming Collision of Artificial Intelligence, Social Networking, and Humanity (see AmazonLink) by Jim Hendler and Alice m Mulvehill.

General Objectives - at this stage.

There are various objectives relating to social-web concepts and corrasponding functional requirements. In these systems, there is no requirement for social entities to have any materially 'known' relationship between one-another - although this comment is perhaps oversimplified... i'll try to explain.

If a person reads a book or paper or interacts with the creative works of another person; then a record about that persons work is created in the users Weblog and in-turn also their Library systems. These annotations or semantic notes aren't about whether there's a real-world relationship between two entities; other than, the fact that works that are believed to have been produced by the mind of a particular person, has been employed in the TemporalSemantics associated with the webizen owners mind / life / ontology.

The entity relationships logic should provide a means to associate entities with the influences other entities have upon the conscious experience of a person and/or persons, overall. This may in-turn also be related to Non-FinancialCurrencies; as well as other Currencies. It is also (although sadly) somewhat important to note; that whilst there may be an informatics relationship associating persons with the events and circumstances of each-others lives; this does not necessarily mean that it is positive, or that characteristics of those relationships are positive; or that, overtime in relation to temporal factors, beliefs are found to have been true; and falsehoods thereby engendering various repercussive implications that have meaningful effects upon life.

Nonetheless, the underlying point is that irraspective of sentiments or whatever; it is important to be able to graph these relationships and dynamics in useful ways.

Thereafter is also the requirement to produce 'apps' that are used socially; indeed, there's no point making any of this ecosystem without support for social informatics.

Social Apps

The First major milestone is to produce the TheWorkPlatform project; which thereby involves an array of smaller steps, as to get to the point where that app is supportively functional in a FitForPurpose manner.


The values project is about Generating VerifiableCredentials that are defined using ValuesCredentials instruments. The use of these systems becomes a significant part of how a person defines their own ontology - about themselves, and in-turn the generation of artifacts that denote TemporalSemantics with SocioSphereOntologies.

Other Ideas.

I had the idea of generating a Social Media Classifier; that might be useful for people who have a large number of people following their accounts.

The classifier would help alert them to the tweets (or other social media interactions) that are programmatically defined to be more likely to be something that the person is interesting in seeing personally.

There is also some notes about Social Media stuff via SocialMediaAPIs and UIToolKits.

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Last updated on 2/9/2023