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Working on the functional objectives.

Identity Fabric

Essentially, this is about forming the HumanCentricDigitalIdentity systems; which requires an array of different cryptographically supported mechanisms to enable endification of different elements involved in transactional processes; which end-up relating to human beings (cause / effect, etc.); the foundational requirements end-up providing support for HumanCentricAI which is the underlying goal to meaningfully support the notion of supportively empowering others to be the primary custodians of that 'human beings identity' as is employed via online systems.

Authentication Systems

an advanced authentication fabric is required to provide material support for the identity fabric. This involves many parts that functionally act as constituencies to a broader thread or informatics 'flow'. Details noted in the AuthUseCases.

Requirements for PCT.

PCT (permissive commons technology) is intended to provide a solution for managing data using semantic web related concepts.

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Last updated on 1/29/2023