Webizen Pro Series
The Webizen Pro series hardware is designed to provide support for complex capabilities built around the WebizenAiOS-Platform and the use of particular hardware to support both the AICapabilities and 'confidential computing' / advanced cryptography, etc.
There are presently two main product lines that are intended to be produced with WebizenAlliance members;
WebizenPro - which is a xeon based architecture, designed for high-end applications and/or as a primary webizen network device. In some applications there may be many of them spread across a network.
WebizenPro-Edge is a lower-grade i9 based device; with far lower specifications. These may be used for applications that do not warrant the use of a Webizen Pro; or compliment the use of Webizen Pro, through the deployment of Webizen Pro - Edge devices, within a network.
The primary purpose of the Webizen Pro Hardware solution, is to provide support for a Standard Operating Environment ("SOE") that can be used by developers to have a known hardware target for the software that they produce to support the WebizenAiOS-Platform.
The Webizen Pro Hardware is in-turn able to be supported by WebizenProVARSolutions providers.